Most people would be amazed, had they known the ingredients of some of the well-known perfume brands. The beautiful bottles contain exotic cocktails of aroma chemicals.
Aromatherapy is the art of science of using the therapeutic properties of fragrant from concentrated plant extracts known as essential oils to promote health and well-being. It has been used for thousand years by many cultures for religious, ceremonial and medical purposes. The essential are being used to treat physical, psychological and energetic imbalances.
Essential oils are effective only if they are pure, unadulterated and extracted from plants that have been properly grown, harvested and distilled. Most essential oils are complex and their unique, therapeutic properties cannot be synthetically duplicated in a laboratory. Commercial incenses rarely contain genuine essential oils.
Most essential oils begin circulating about 20 minutes after application, and continue for as long as 24 hours. However the memory of the scent and experience associated with it can last a lifetime.